Drum Booth - Drum Enclosure - Drum Shield "Silencer" Studio 6 Black

Hot Sale Drum Booth - Drum Enclosure - Drum Shield "Silencer" Studio 6 Black
Hot Sale Drum Booth - Drum Enclosure - Drum Shield "Silencer" Studio 6 Black
Silencer Systems an easy to setup furniture like solution to sound containment. Our Sound Trap Method of construction absorbs the most sound and unlike others blocks sound. Silencer Studio 6 contains a PRO 6.0 x 6 Drum Shield, 2- 6-Ft. Sound Traps with a single 6-Ft Sound trap for the middle, and 3 piece Silencer Sound Trap Roof. As part of our No Gap design, the Silencer Roof leaves no gaps over the drum shield to provide sound control. With our Sound Trap (portable acoustic panels) design almost no sound escapes. If you play live, be prepd to mic the drums and run them through the monitors so others can hear them. No embly sets up in minutes. System is approximately 7-ft 4 inches wide and 6-ft deep. Also known as drum booth, drum booths, drum cage, drum noise control, drum noise reduction, drum practice rooms, drum screen, drum screens, drum shield, drum shields, drum sound control, drum surround.
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